Spiritual Blind Spots
The level of self-deception we live in today is frightening. Many of us are living with spiritual blind spots and are totally unaware of it. These blind spots are keeping you from walking in the fullness of your relationship with God. It can keep you from the things God wants to do in your life. The problem I notice is that on one hand, there are not enough people who are truly followers of Christ and who are willing to stand up to bring light to uncomfortable issues aka the blind spots. On the other hand, I notice that when there are people who are willing to stand up for truth, they are essentially “stoned” to death.
Because my goal is always to talk about the truth of God’s word without condemning or shaming another individual, I’m going to use myself as the example. Before I made the decision to grow in my relationship with God, I was deep in sin and unaware of the gravity of it because everyone else looked just like me. Even my fellow believers. Culture made things okay. As someone who identified as a Christian, my life looked no different from all the other people who were not Christians. I saw no problem with sex before marriage or living with my significant other. When I got pregnant with my first child, I was not married nor pursuing God. I hadn’t attended church regularly in years but I vividly remember quoting bible verses and thanking God for my unborn child. Children are absolutely a blessing from God but He desires for this to happen in the proper context. I failed to grasp the fact that my pregnancy was the result of sexual sin that I KNEW was not pleasing to God. Over time I had become sensitized to my sin because of culture’s acceptance of it. I was thanking God for a “blessing” that I obtained by doing something that dishonored Him. I had incorrectly labeled my situation. The pregnancy was a natural consequence of my disobedience but because of His grace and mercy, it was turned around for my good. I failed to see the contradiction between what I professed to believe versus how I actually governed my life.
And the result of not being able to see my blind spots was a life that was not thriving. A life that was spiritually dead. A life where I often didn’t see the point in praying because I felt like prayer didn’t work for me. I did not understand that my willful sin was keeping me from experiencing intimacy with God.
I am thankful for God’s grace in opening my eyes to the truth. I am thankful that He placed certain friends in my life to gently point out those blind spots and to push me into spiritual maturity. I read my bible in its entirety for the first time in my life and began to live it like I actually believed what I read. I began to govern my life by His set of principles and the result has been a transformed life. A life that is thriving and full of joy. A life that now experiences great intimacy with God and knows without a doubt that my prayers are heard and answered. It has made all the difference between simply existing through life versus living a full life on purpose. ❤