Life is found on the pages of scripture. Lets dive in.
Why read the bible?
If you’re anything like me, you might view the bible as a boring book of rules. A book whose sole purpose is to tell you how bad of a human being you are. You might view it as a requirement for pastors but optional for regular church-goers like yourself. You might think that as a believer, attending church service on Sunday is enough and reading your bible is not a necessary ingredient to obtain your best life. I believed all of these things and couldn’t have been more wrong.
If you were to purchase a product and discard the instruction manual, chances are that you would not get the best use out of it. You might assemble it wrong or there could be tons of features available to you that you might miss out on. Think of your bible as your life’s instruction manual. Everything in your bible was inspired by your Creator and written through the hands of man. It is intended for you to use as a foundation and life guide to obtain everything that God has for you.
The statistics are staggering. Of the 2 billion believers in the world, less than 30% have ever read through the entire bible. In essence, we are tossing our instruction manual to the side. This means that there’s a lot were probably getting wrong and so much more that we’re missing out on. We are leaving the life that we’re looking for on the table when we don’t read our instruction manual. 2 timothy 3: 16-17 tells us that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (NIV). You were created for a purpose and the bible is the tool you will need to accomplish it.
You might wonder, well isn’t it my pastor’s job to teach me everything in the bible? Consider this: most bible reading plans take a year or more of daily reading to complete. If you only show up to church one day a week for an hour it would take an incredibly long time for you to learn what is in your bible, if you ever do. That’s also taking a passive approach to the most important aspect of your life. It’s important for you to know the bible for yourself and to develop your own relationship with God. I believe the best way to begin to do this is to read His written word. I’ve put together a collection of resources that have helped me on my own journey. 🤍
What version of the bible should I read?
If you don’t understand what you’re reading when you read the bible, it can quickly become something you dislike greatly! This is why choosing a bible version that you can read easily and understand is so important. Click the link below to check out an article from The Chara Project on how to choose the bible version that’s best for you.
Pick a bible reading plan
The bible is a big book and tackling it can be overwhelming. I recommend following a reading plan that reads the bible in chronological order. This way you see the entire story line of scripture before studying its books individually. My favorite plan is by The Bible Recap and there’s also a corresponding podcast for deeper understanding. Click the link below to check it out!
What is my purpose or calling in life?
Unsure of why you’re here and what you were created to do? Take a listen to one of my favorite Pastors, Tony Evans, as he talks about the concept of the word “Calling”. I pray that it will enlighten you as much as it did me.
Don't throw away the keys
Past experiences and pain can cause us to lock up certain parts of our hearts and throw away the key. But you’re going to need a whole, open heart to answer the calling God has placed on your life. Listen to Sarah Jakes Roberts tell you how to unlock your heart.
Are you treating Jesus like a side piece?
Does Jesus come first in your life, or is your relationship with Him your best kept secret? Take a listen to Pastor Jerry Flowers as he encourages you to make your relationship status public. 😎
Hearing the voice of God
Ever feel like you’re probably the only person on the planet who has never heard God speak before? You’re not alone. I didn’t recognize God’s voice until my mid thirties, even though I had been a believer since childhood. Listen to Priscilla Shirer as she teaches on how to position yourself to hear from God.
So what now?
You’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior. You attend church on Sunday mornings. Does it end here? Allow Pastor Michael Todd to answer this question and challenge you go do deeper in your walk with God.
Feeling Bound?
Are you stuck in cycles of sin, fear, or other unhealthy patterns? David Diga Hernandez is serving us up a hearty teaching on strongholds and how to get free from them for good.
The Battle of the Flesh and Spirit
Your flesh wants to rule you and for most of us it is succeeding. Believers who are maturing seek to crucify their flesh in order to live by the Spirit. Tune into RC Blakes as he teaches on what it looks like to live in the Spirit.