You’ve made the decision to grow in your relationship with God and follow Christ.
But what comes next?
Walking out your faith
The journey towards spiritual growth and maturity can be daunting and overwhelming. Without any sense of direction that initial fire in your heart can begin to dwindle quickly. I’m here to help.
Kat’s Korner is an online resource that delivers a wealth of information for your spiritual health right to your fingertips. My goal is to assist you in putting off your old self to step into your new self in Christ, and that process starts with your mind. It is my hope that you will allow me the privilege of walking with you as you walk with Christ. Let’s get started!

Get relationship right with God so you can get relationships right with others.
Love doesn’t work when you leave God out of it. He’s the creator of it. He IS love.
Want to know more about Jesus?
If you do not have relationship with Jesus Christ and would like to know more, click the link below.