About Kat
I’m Katherine Stewart, creator of Kat’s Korner, and I’m so glad you’re here. Really 💗. My journey began 5 years ago as a newly divorced mom of three. Tired of recycling the same old experiences, I began a quest for personal development to learn how to do relationships better. I wasn’t looking for God but found Him in the process and it turned my world right side up. Being raised in a small church, I thought I already knew God. It turns out what I knew was religion. It was not until I read my bible for the first time at the age of 35 that I realized I had an incorrect view of God. I didn’t have a full understanding of the gospel. I had accepted Jesus Christ as my savior but not as Lord. Salvation is truly only the beginning and learning the truth has radically transformed the quality of my life. I created what I needed back then to grow in my faith - practical examples of what a Christian life should look like, guidance on seeking spiritual maturity, and someone willing to be vulnerable and transparent about the challenges that come with a life submitted to Christ. I hope you’ll kick off your shoes and stay a while.