The Starting Line
Have you ever taken the time to examine your outlook on life? The beliefs that you hold about life and the meaning of it, where did they come from? Who taught you what love was and how to do relationships with others? Was it passed down to you or did it come from your own personal experiences and observations? Most importantly, how can you be sure that your outlook on life is healthy and based on actual truth?
To answer this question, it is important to have a source of objective truth that you can measure your beliefs against. Objective truth is something that can be proven beyond doubt. It has measurable and indisputable evidence. It is true for everyone under all circumstances. It is unbiased and unchanging. It is not based on opinions or the subjective experiences of others. No error or flaw can be found in it. A life based on and guided by objective truth brings clarity and direction. Things begin to get cloudy the further away we get from it, causing us to go in unwanted directions or live life aimlessly.
It’s incredibly easy to get lost in the world without an objective measure for your life. Today, we live in a world where everyone has their own truth and we’re swimming in a sea of confusion. The rates of divorce and depression continue to skyrocket. Very few people seem to live fulfilling lives. Many of us exist but never really live. Have you ever wondered why?
I believe it is because we go through life with outlooks that are never examined. Many of our ways of life have been formed by pain or passed down to us from generations ago and have not been serving us well. Many of us have been taught things about life by well-meaning loved ones who were also struggling with internal battles and wounds of their own. It's important to recognize that some of the things we have been taught may not have come from a healthy place.
I want you to know have value. Your life is important. Way too important to live with belief systems that keep you stuck in cycles and away from God’s best for you.
Today’s homework:
Take a few minutes to reflect on what your outlook on life is and where it came from. What do you believe the purpose of life is? What do you believe your life should look like as an adult? What are your definitions of success and love? Write it down! Let’s figure out where you are and how you got here. Only then can you begin to figure out where you’re going!
Step on up to the starting line. 🤍